airman ranksE -1 // airman basicwhen you enlist into the air force and go through training. this period lasts through basic training and technical schools
E-2 // airmanTime in service: 6 months
Time served as an E - 1: 6 months
E-3 // airman first classTime in service: 16 months based on TIG
Time served as an E - 2: 10 months
E -4 // senior airmanTime in service: 3 years
Time served as an E - 3: 20 months
NCO ranksE-5 // staff sergeantTime in service: 3 years
Time served as an E - 4: 6 months
E-6 // technical sergeantTime in service: 5 years
Time served as an E - 5: 2 years
Senior NCO ranksE -7 // master sergeantTime in service: 8 years
Time served as an E - 6: 2 years
E-8 // senior master sergeantTime in service: 11years
Time served as an E - 7: 20 months
O -1 // 2nd lieutenantentry level and is usually the rank is obtained after graduated from officer candidate school. must have a bachelor's degree.
O-2 // 1st lieutenanttime in service: 18 months
time served at O-1: 18 months
O-3 // captaintime in service: 4 years
time served at O-2: 2 years
O -4 // majortime in service: 10 years
time served at O-3: 3 years
chance of promotion from O-3: 80%
O-5 // lieutenant coloneltime in service: 16 years
time served at O-4: 3 years
chance of promotion from O-4: 70%
O-6 // coloneltime in service: 22 years
time served at O-5: 3 years
chance of promotion from O-5: 50%